Mountain Woman
It’s not height, but stature that counts in this novel. Lydia McQueen, born in 1846, is indeed “long-limbed,” but it is her …
It’s not height, but stature that counts in this novel. Lydia McQueen, born in 1846, is indeed “long-limbed,” but it is her …
Two invitations, one to a tournament at the historic Biltmore Forest Golf Club; the other, to stay with friends Rosemary and Jerry Crow, …
Early on the morning of June 28, I walked down to Lake Chautauqua and watched the sun rise. The peace there was …
Twenty-five years of striving for the goals of the MusicLink Foundation prepared me for a riveting book, Sing for Your Life: a Story of Race, …
Marjorie Stoneman Douglas lived a long, productive life. In her thirties and forties she wrote short stories for The Saturday Evening Post. …
The Pentagon, a History: the Untold Story of the Wartime Race to Build the Pentagon–and to Restore It Sixty Years Later, by Steve …
The oranges on the cover of this book signify two watershed events inside. Oranges picked from the Keatings’ backyard trees, juiced and mixed …
My life can be measured in four-year chunks–high school, college, graduate school, and Presidential terms. I was 10 months old when Roosevelt …
Last Friday evening Leslie, David and I attended an hour-long jazz tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Zach Bartholomew’s Trio at the Coral …
Women who were good at math had few job opportunities in 1939, when this book begins. A few lucky ones became human computers with …