Barcelona, the city of Gaudi! Though he died in 1926, his dream lives. Thousands of dedicated followers are working to complete the …
Barcelona, the city of Gaudi! Though he died in 1926, his dream lives. Thousands of dedicated followers are working to complete the …
On June 7, I flew to Madrid and met David and his family at a lovely apartment they had rented on Atocha …
Ever since David and Leslie invited me to join them and their daughters, Margot and Nina, plus co-grandparents Mabell and Fernando in …
Twenty-three years ago, In the spring of 2001 Lilli and I were invited to visit our friends, the Friedrichs, who had recently moved …
This 67-foot-tall structure made from COR-TEN steel stands outside The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. It‘s name is “Vortex”, sculpted by …
When Steve and I gave our beloved son the name David, we were unaware of a prominent American sculptor named David Smith. It wasn’t until the …
Last year’s Savannah Music Festival was all about colors for me. This year I searched for musical flavors! What a delight it was to …
Having grown up in an all-white company town in Texas has made me eager to explore and learn about world cultures. When …
Turning 80 on March 19 treated me to a week of celebrations with family and friends that made me feel very grateful …
Marjo van Patten, my friend of almost 75 years, flew here from Ohio on January 18 for what has become her annual …