2023 in Review
Christmas 2022 brought our whole family together for a joyous reunion in Boynton Beach. In January 2023, Martha experienced both happiness and sorrow concerning two of her friends-from-first grade. Marjo visited both before and after a two-week trip to Costa Rica with our mutual friend Peg Barrett. On New Year’s Day, Jim Groom sent word that his wife, my friend Carol was dying. Surrounded by her family, she passed away on January 9. I began collecting memories from a dozen friends who grew up with her in Phillips, Texas and traveled to Warren, Vermont to speak at her memorial service on January 28.
February: While Steve focused on golf, I focused on singing with the Quail Ridge Chorus, working at our church’s rummage sale, and tutoring reading at nearby Crosspointe Elementary. We enjoyed visits with Lilli and Violet during Violet’s winter break and with Roger and Nina Pitkin during the Quail Ridge member-guest golf tournament.
March began with our garden on the Quail Ridge Garden Club House & Garden Tour and ended with our annual Quail Ridge Chorus Concert. Between those two events, Steve was elected President of the Quail Ridge Club and went right to work. Mid-month we spent a weekend with friends in Beaufort SC, before I flew to Boston to spend several days with Violet and my friend Cleta. On March 27, Joe Simmons and his friend Laurie, stopped by for two days
April found us at the Savannah Music Festival. Then, while Steve was busy with golf and club affairs, I visited friends in Arlington VA and joined Lilli and Violet and their Cambridge neighbors for a terrific tour of Washington DC landmarks and museums. On April 20 I flew from DC to Jacksonville FL, where Steve was playing in a golf tournament with Roger Pitkin. Nina introduced me to Lincolnville and the history of Blacks in Saint Augustine.
May was a full month! It began with 4 days with friends in Beaufort SC, followed by 4 days hosting my brother Joel, his wife Elisabeth and two of her sisters, Veronica and Gretl. What fun we had showing them Southeast Florida!
On Mother’s Day, Leslie hosted six other mothers/grandmothers and several fathers/grandfathers, too, for a wonderful sunny day together.
Later that month I was fortunate to attend the 25th anniversary of Reading Friends, one of my Arlington book groups, in Rehoboth DE. Then I visited with long-time friends Carol Starr and Elizabeth Lodal back in DC. I even got to meet the Safety Patrols from Crosspointe School in Boynton Beach, where I tutor and raise funds, on their tour of the National Zoo!
June brought my three great nieces from Texas for a six-day visit. We had the most delightful time, described here. On the 11th, Steve and I celebrated our 57th wedding anniversary and the following week I helped out at my 51st Vacation Bible School.
July began with a flight to Charlotte and a drive to a lovely house on Lake Lure NC, owned by cousin Jay. Our whole clan gathered to celebrate Steve’s 80th birthday. The weather was ideal; the fun, contagious. The following week we spent with Peg and Jack in Chautauqua NY, enjoying art, golf, and music. It was our ninth visit to this lovely place.
August is our month to spend in Dornoch, Scotland. Steve devotes himself to golf; I, to music in the Cathedral. Though we missed Violet’s 14th birthday on August 1, we enjoyed renewing friendships with both Scottish and American friends and making new friends, too. The cool weather is a welcome contrast to August in Florida!
September 2023 was a time to catch up with family and friends in southeastern Florida. Before the last week of the month, Steve departed for more golf in England and I, for another week in Washington with long-time friends. From there I flew to Austin to check in with Shelby, who was recovering from her 6th hip operation. I was glad to find her well enough to walk all around the Bullock Texas History Museum with Sean, Stephen, Thomas and me. This visit was packed with fun, family and friends.
In October the sense of Homes Away From Home continued as we returned to Steve’s golf club in Beaufort SC and to Rice University. At Rice we attended an amazing dinner hosted by the Baker Institute, where James Baker and Hilary Clinton spoke. Grandson Stephen, who turned 16 on October 10, drove his mother from Austin and picked us up at the Houston Airport. These family members and friends were all at our table!
In November our Quail Ridge Chorus resumed rehearsals and sang for the Christmas Tree Lighting on the 29th. Grandson Thomas became 13 on the 19th. I spent a week in Cambridge with Violet while Lilli had a conference in Las Vegas. With Violet’s friends we had a delightful Sunday morning at the deCordova Sculpture Garden in Lincoln MA. While Violet attended classes at Cambridge Rindge Latin (High) School, Cleta and I enjoyed touring several Harvard and MIT Museums. A special joy was to see my niece Patti, who had just moved from Dallas to Providence RI. Here are six of the family members who helped me cheer my grand-niece Vivian in her school play. Its title was “Failure,” but it was a great success!

On December 4, Margot and Nina reached their 10th birthdays. They both had parties, but Steve and I had bad colds and were unable to go. Fortunately, we were all better by this weekend to celebrate David’s 50th birthday. Yesterday, Steve and I drove an hour south and picked up Shelby, Lilli and Violet at Miami airport. Then we totally surprised David two days in advance of the 18th. Leslie did a great job of planning and hosting a dozen of us at Zitz Sum, a unique restaurant in Coral Gables, where we got to try every delicious dish on the menu! Violet stayed at home with Margot and Nina; we were joined by Cindy, Kristian, Chris, and Tina. David says he feels very loved!
Our family met Dec 23-26 for Cousins Christmas in Charlotte–click here to see the album.
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