Phillips Friends in Bastrop

Since 1998, eight friends-from-first-grade and I have gathered every couple of years in interesting places. In 2013 we met in Fredricksburg TX. This year Steve’s cousins Jay and Maxann made available their lovely home in Bastrop TX and eight of us had a wonderful time (missed you, Carol). With fragrant flowers in full bloom, great wines, and delicious food, we had a grand time catching up with one another. One day we visited Bastrop State Park, the Bastrop Artists Guild, and the City Museum. View some of my photos here. The next day we drove into the countryside, had lunch at a wonderful garden cafe in Schulenberg, and visited the magnificent Painted Churches of Texas, where I took lots more pictures.
Our hometown, Phillips, is a ghost town now. The Phillips Petroleum Company refinery is still there, but after a powerful explosion in 1980, the houses have all been moved. When we started first grade in 1950, we all lived in identical company houses, very small by today’s standards. One reason we became such good friends is that our small houses encouraged us to venture outside. Today we rejoice in our health, financial comfort, and myriad interests. We talked of books, movies, travels, and families, as well as hometown memories. Louise brought cups that said
If you love Texas women, raise your glass…if not, raise your standards.
Sandra put socks on each of our pillows and brought delicious peanut brittle, plus three favorite recipes in a clip she had made herself. Deanna supplied shrimp, fruit and other goodies. Louise and Deanna were our designated drivers. No fusses, plenty of fun!
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